Thank you for taking the time to share your feelings.

You're life is definitely much busier than mine, but I can empathize with your struggle of trying to cram a million things into the day, being pulled in a million directions, and still feeling tasks pile up at the end of the day. The stress must be immeasurable.

I just wanted to reach out because it sounds like your now looking at naps and sleeps as another task. If you feel you need a nap and can't kick the stress of the day enough to actually sleep: that's ok if you lay there and listen to a podcast(or music or silence), it's ok to just lie there and practice mindfulness.

P. S. I love your writing style and smile every time I see one of your publications, because I know they'll be great.

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I loved Plenty!! Thank you for writing it. Good luck in your home stretch and enjoy the time with solo Simone.

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